How many shampoos and conditioners have you tried in the past? Some people have gone through more than 20 hair products in their lifetimes trying to look for a product that won’t cause dry skin, itchiness, and dandruff. But the perfect hair products don’t exist. There are many reasons why your scalp feels dry and why there is dandruff falling on your shoulders. The problem is there are also a lot of myths surrounding scalp care and dandruff treatment. When you get sucked into these misconceptions, you risk discovering an effective treatment for your hair and scalp problems.
It is time to debunk these myths, so those who suffer from dandruff can finally find the treatment they sorely need. Wrong information about your scalp and hair can lead to seeking the wrong treatments, too. When in doubt, always consult with the experts such as those you can find in Freia Medical in Singapore.
Dry Scalp Always Leads to Dandruff
Yes, dry scalp leads to those tiny white flakes, aka dandruff. But the dry scalp is not only the reason why you are having dandruff, although it also causes flaking, itchiness, and skin peeling. Oily scalp (or a lot of buildup on your scalp) can be a source of dandruff, too. There’s also another thing that causes dandruff. It’s called Malassezia fungi, which is linked to seborrheic dermatitis. So, before treating your dandruff, know why it is happening in the first place—is it because of dry scalp, or is it fungal in nature?
Oil Can Treat Dandruff
If you research the internet, a lot of articles will talk about using hot oil to treat your dandruff problems. Some will even point to specific oils such as coconut and olive oil. However, while oil treats dry scalp and effectively stops itchiness and dandruff, it does nothing if your scalp is oily. In fact, it might even cause more problems because the oil will leave your hair and scalp feeling greasy. The flakes will be stickier, making them harder to remove from your scalp.
Rubbing Your Scalp Vigorously Will Remove the Dandruff

While it feels good to rub and brush your scalp to “remove” dandruff because it is so itchy, it doesn’t do your scalp any good. Least of all, it doesn’t remove dandruff at all. While some of them will fall on the ground, the rubbing doesn’t eliminate the problem. It might even worsen it. Your scalp could bleed, which will then lead to an infection.
The problem is not dandruff itself, but the reason why there’s dandruff in the first place. That should be your focus. Remove the source and dandruff will be gone in a jiffy.
Washing Your Hair Less Will Remove the Dandruff
If the dry scalp is the cause of dandruff, the normal reaction for people is not to wash their hair. They think that will bring back moisture to their scalp. The truth is you should wash your hair regularly whether your scalp is suffering from dryness or oiliness. This will remove the flakes and dislodge the buildup of hair products on your scalp. Use a mild shampoo, so you won’t hurt your scalp. Washing your hair daily will make it far harder for dandruff to cling to your scalp.
Exfoliate Your Scalp With a DIY Mix
It’s better not to take chances with your scalp. Exfoliating is good to remove the dry skin on your scalp, but too much of it can cause problems, too. As for the product that you need to buy, make sure it has salicylic acid. That will help exfoliate the skin. The wrong mix of products might be too bad for your scalp, so stay wary of do-it-yourself mixes that might be too harsh. You don’t know how your scalp will react to even the most natural of ingredients, so always consult with an expert before doing this.
Stop Using Styling Products to Prevent Dandruff
It is true that the buildup of styling products on your scalp can lead to dandruff. However, that doesn’t mean you cannot use styling products at all. It’s okay to use them as long as you will wash your hair at the end of the day. Why should your hair look unkempt because you cannot use styling products? Go on and use those safe hair products as long as you wash them off afterward.
Before you decide on what treatment your scalp needs, you need to determine what causes the problems in the first place. Dandruff is not only annoying and embarrassing, but it is also a health issue. An unhealthy scalp opens up the risk for infection and other issues.