Aging – What You Should Expect and How To Cope

Studies show that only 30% of aging is controlled by genetics; the remaining 70% is dictated by lifestyle. As early as now, know what physical and mental changes will happen to prevent them with healthy choices or be prepared to handle things like insurance or dementia home care in Mesa.

Here are some things to expect when you get closer to your golden years.

Your Five Senses Decline

Hearing, vision, taste, smell, and touch aren’t quite the same as when you were younger.

You may find it harder to focus on objects up close, start to lose your sense of taste due to a decline in taste buds, or find sensitivity to touch, pain, and pressure is reduced. All of this and more is normal with aging.

How To Cope: Get your vision and hearing checked regularly. There are many aids available today. If you’re going out, wear sunglasses and protective gear. Opt for earplugs as well to block loud noises.

Your Skin Starts To Lose Its Elasticity

As you get older, you might notice that your skin isn’t as supple as it once was. You lose fatty tissue under the skin, making it seem thinner.

You may even notice a couple of wrinkles, age spots, skin tags, or tiny growths of skin. This happens because your body produces less natural oil than before.

How To Cope: Protect your skin from sun damage and smoke starting today. For anti-aging products, the American Academy of Dermatology Association recommends sunscreen and moisturizers.

You can also:

  • Use warm or cold water when showering since hot water dries your skin
  • Quit smoking as it causes wrinkles and other consequences

Your Bones Become Thinner and More Brittle

Bones start to weaken around your 40s or 50s. They become less dense and, as a result, increase your chances of having a fracture.

Along with this, fluids and cartilage that line joints get worn out with age, causing your joints to feel stiffer. As the tissue between the joints breaks down, you can develop arthritis.

How To Cope: Vitamin D is important to bone health. It aids the body in absorbing calcium and maintaining bone health.

You can get Vitamin D from sunlight and different food sources like egg yolks, tuna, sardine, milk, and more. Asking your doctor for supplements is an option too.

Your Mind Isn’t As Sharp as It Once Was

Senior man sitting front of birthday cake

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention states that it’s common to experience slight forgetfulness and slower mental processing speed.

However, if memory problems go beyond the occasional “senior moment,” it may be time to get checked out by a medical professional. You could be in the early stages of dementia or have a treatable condition that’s affecting your brain.

How To Cope: Genetics can’t be changed but addressing risk factors can prevent or reduce 40% of dementia cases.

If you or a loved one is showing symptoms, it helps to reach out to someone you trust. It’s always better to have someone by your side for checkups and other visits.

When the time is right, talk about healthcare and safety plans like:

  • Getting lost in familiar faces and carrying identification
  • Gathering important documents, including a living will and estate documents
  • Setting advanced healthcare directives, like dementia home care in Mesa

Your Sexual Function Is Affected Too

Vaginal tissues become drier, thinner, and less elastic, making intercourse less pleasurable for women during menopause. As men age, they may find it hard to get or keep an erection due to health conditions or side effects of treatments.

How To Cope: There is nothing wrong with talking to a doctor. After the visit, take the medicine as prescribed to ease physical symptoms or increase libido.

Your Heart Becomes Stiffer

As you age, the large arteries become stiffer, a condition called atherosclerosis. Because of this, your heart has to work harder to pump blood, possibly leading to high blood pressure and other heart problems.

How To Cope: Movement is a good remedy. The aches and pains may discourage you from being active, but it’s important to find and commit to a workout plan that has moderate exercise and fits your lifestyle.

Other healthy practices for the heart include:

  • Managing stress
  • Eating fruits, vegetables, and whole grains
  • Get 7 to 8 hours of sleep so your body can repair your heart and blood vessels

We can’t turn back time, but with patience, discipline, and smart lifestyle changes, we can make the most of our bodies during the golden years.