aging woman

Get Ahead of Aging: Trust Your Choices

As we get older, it is natural to expect changes to all aspects of your life, both positive and negative. These changes can affect everything from your physical health to mental wellness, as well as areas such as your social life and sex life. Such circumstances can indeed be a lot to wrap your head around, and it is easy to get swept away with life. But successful recovery through rehab or coming back after an unexpected surgery is no reason to lose hope in your independence. The secret to keeping up with your body is to be proactive, and the good news is it is never too late to start.  

While we are all aware that the aging process comes with changes to your body and mind, this does not have to get in the way of you living and enjoying life. We might think that our golden years will be spent riddled with illness, fatigue, and loss of mobility, leading to a dependency on our family to carry on. Worse yet, we may have to live in care facilities, which may limit the choices we can make in life.  

The thought of losing your independence may be disheartening, and even scary, However, there are steps you can take, and resources available, that make it possible to live healthily and independently once you are in retirement age.  

Though this may sound daunting at first, these steps toward maintaining your independent lifestyle do not have to be big and sudden changes. Picking up jogging, water aerobics, or another physical activity can not only help your physical health but has been shown to help depression and anxiety and has the added bonus of presenting socializing opportunities.  

Independent living for seniors can also come in the form of similarly-aged communities with recreation centers, home-delivered meals, and home healthcare. Home healthcare and wellness offers the provision of clinical services and medical supplies, delivered right in your home. This means that you can maintain more control over your healthcare, and will not have to rely on family members to take you to doctor’s appointments or the pharmacy, nor will you have to be dependent on a live-in care facility for your medical needs.  

We all deserve to age with dignity and live healthy, happy lives. Our independence is vital for us to hold onto our individuality and sense of purpose. But as is the case with most other big life changes, taking small and steady steps while you adapt to these changes will help you stay ahead.              

Reduce your bad health habits 

Although you may occasionally enjoy a drink, try to keep it moderate as high alcohol consumption can have drastic negative effects on your liver. This means no more than one drink a day on a regular basis. If you are a smoker, you might consider cutting down or quitting altogether to avoid issues with your heart and lungs. This may also be the time to reduce your intake of fats and carbohydrates while eating foods with higher levels of vitamins, minerals, protein, and fiber.  

woman reaching for a glass of alcohol

Taking good care of your skin  

Like all our organs, the aging process can take its toll on the skin. It is the largest organ we have. Adequate sun protection when going outside to reduce the damage from harmful UV rays is one important step. Be sure to remember your SPF lotion when doing any outdoor physical activities as well. A skincare routine including hydration and moisturization will greatly reduce skin thinning and weakening. This is important as skin problems can reduce your overall confidence and happiness levels.  

Be involved in your own healthcare process.  

Try to be aware of what is happening with your body and mind, and how your medications help you. Having the ability to properly explain your symptoms to doctors, and taking the necessary steps in your healthcare process can be very empowering. Being educated and informed about your body will help maintain your independence.  

Physical activity and a good diet form the foundation of a healthy and happy life for senior citizens. In addition to increasing the longevity and quality of your life, they can also present socializing opportunities, and be a part of many hobbies.            

Maintaining a healthy body provides the key to enjoying an independent and fulfilling lifestyle in your golden years. Living by yourself gives you the opportunity to get in touch with your inner self. It can help you to learn new things about yourself. In many ways, we change and evolve as we get older. You may find new hobbies to explore and new tastes to enjoy that would never have been possible in your youth. There is a future, a good and fun future waiting for you. It is in your hands to take the path that leads you towards that future.

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