woman hugging herself

Self-Care in the Time of Coronavirus: Prioritizing Your Health and Well-Being

The COVID-19 pandemic has gone for over a year. But since the novel coronavirus outbreak in March of last year, it has continued to cause physical and mental afflictions among people. That’s why self-care has become more important than ever.

Keep in mind, however, that self-care goes beyond your physical aspects. It’s also essential that you pay attention to your mental health. Ultimately, the goal is to foster your overall health and well-being.

If you’re looking to take good care of yourself amid the pandemic, here are some self-care tips for you:

1. Have a healthy lifestyle

Establishing healthy habits is essential in promoting your health and wellness. However, this is all the more important during this pandemic.

Unfortunately, it’s hard to sustain a healthy lifestyle in the middle of a crisis. It takes a lot of dedication, commitment, and a conscious effort to do so. Fret not, as having a healthy lifestyle boils down to the basics. That said, be sure to consider the following self-care tips below:

Physical health:

  • Have proper nutrition
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Take vitamins and minerals
  • Get at least seven hours of sleep
  • Exercise regularly
  • Have physical activities

Mental health:

  • Acknowledge the pandemic situation
  • Practice mindfulness
  • Learn breathing Exercises
  • Try meditation
  • Limit digital consumption
  • Strive to be positive always

2. Keep your home clean and tidy

vacuum cleaning the floor

Self-care involves keeping yourself hygienic and your surroundings clean. The last thing you want to happen is for the novel coronavirus to take space in your house and infect you and your family.

House cleaning, along with disinfection and sanitation, is essential. In fact, studies show the novel coronavirus can stay on the surfaces of plastic and stainless steel for 72 hours, cardboard for 24 hours, and copper for four hours.

That said, keep your house always clean and tidy. Be sure to disinfect high-touch points such as doorknobs, faucets, light switches, tables, and other surfaces. Also, follow health and safety protocols when going outdoors (mask-wearing and social distancing) and getting back home. Ultimately, have proper hygiene such as taking a bath regularly and washing your hands frequently.

3. Pursue your hobbies and interests

Home isolation and restrictive movements brought about by the pandemic can take a toll on your mental health. The threat of the novel coronavirus to your health can give you so much stress. The lack of social interaction can cause anxiety and depression. And the future uncertainty will leave you hopeless.

Hence, the best course of action is to keep yourself preoccupied and busy while you’re stuck at home. Also, it’s best to pursue your hobbies and interests such as reading books and writing, as well as indoor planting or outdoor gardening. Lastly, learn new skills such as digital marketing (SEO, social media management, content marketing, etc.) or start a new business of your interest.

4. Establish a support system

It’s important to establish a support system during this unprecedented time. Sure, the pandemic might have drawn you far from your friends and colleagues. However, it has brought you closer to your family.

Keep in mind that your family is your primary support. As such, it’s time to boost your relationships with them. Rekindle the lost connections if you must. Be there for each other during this crucial time. At the end of the day, you are each other’s source of strength and support.

Furthermore, know that asking for help is part of self-care. If you’re stressed and overwhelmed, be sure to talk it out with your family and friends. If you’re already becoming anxious and depressed, it won’t hurt to seek professional help.

5. Don’t forget your ‘ME’ time

It’s easy to get overwhelmed during this pandemic. You may have a hard time juggling between managing the household and doing your work from home. If you were laid off or your business closed for good, you may probably have a hard time making both ends meet.

To reset yourself, step back and give yourself time to rest and relax. It’s extremely necessary to include a ‘me’ time in your schedule. After accomplishing your work or attending to your family, have time for yourself.

That said, pamper yourself with a haircut, an underarm skin whitening treatment, or even a massage. Read books, listen to feel-good songs, or watch movies. If not, simply relax and do absolutely nothing!

It’s important to take good care of yourself during this pandemic. Be sure to consider our self-care tips discussed above to foster your overall health and well-being. Ultimately, self-care will help you cope with the pandemic and rise above the current situation.

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