Senior Health

man getting blood drawn

Your Yearly Check-Ups: Should You Skip it This Year?

Executive check-ups or annual physical exams are necessary procedures. Not a lot of people perform these things because some find it bothersome or time-consuming. However, executive check-ups have more benefits than disadvantages. Here are reasons why you should have annual physical exams. 1. Take care of your health Executive check-ups benefit you, in general. You […]

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senior cooking

Stay Active During Your Golden Years by Following These 9 Tips

Two key aspects of staying fit as a senior are physical and mental exercise. Regular indoor and outdoor activities keep the lungs, heart and brain fit, as well as boost overall coordination, balance and mobility. Unfortunately, working out can fall by the wayside as individuals grow older. People wanting to lead a healthy and comfortable

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medicine schedule

8 Tips to Convince Seniors to Take the Required Medication

Many families experience difficulty persuading seniors to take medicines that will help them maintain their physical or mental health. Some elderly individuals say “no” to medications as a way to regain control over their lives as their independence gradually slips away. Other older adults refuse on principle, stating that they’ve never taken medications in their

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